Love shopping at The Extension Bar? Well, we got some secrets to share! Some we have already shared on our page but why not make a blog post about it to remind you all that you can pay a fraction of the cost on some items!

  • Sign up to our mailing list to save $10 off your next purchase. This is an easy one and there’s two ways to do so! You can either visit our website, and a pop up should come up to put in your email or if you don’t get that pop up, just scroll to the bottom of the website and you can enter your email there for the newsletter!
  • If you also enter your birthday, you’ll also get a 10% coupon to use during your birthday month! A little gift from us to you!
  • Are you a makeup artist and want to save some money on bulk orders for your clients or yourself? Email us with details on what you'd like and how many and we can review custom bulk pricing based on your request.
  • Did you know you can also earn TEB points? You earn points with each purchase and you can redeem them for a discount. Similarly, you can refer your family and friends to our store and you earn points for each referral. Simply click the rewards button on the bottom right corner of our page.
  • You can also get a discount by using a makeup artist's code. If you've hired an affiliate artist, you should ask them if they have a code with us. You can then use this code to get a discount on the purchase of your extensions or lashes.
  • Lastly, we have our ambassador program. This program means you get free TEB items & in return you provide us with content. Are you a user generated content creator, or an influencer and want more information on this fun program? Send us an email at!
28 mars, 2023 — Michelle Ravindran